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Monday, September 6, 2010

Ok, I have never blogged before, and am not sure if this will be seen by many or none or one, but I have decided to begin one, only because I have seen how a certain Mistress with whom I have been constant contact has expressed an interest in what I write and do, which is always in service of Her, to please Her. 

The life of a submissive male is an interesting one, and for those who don't understand the beauty of submission and servitude, I and people like me will seem like fools, twisted, and sick in the minds, or whatever else you might want to call us. And perhaps you're right, but i can only say that there is nothing so beautiful than the complete submission to a Mistress, One who takes charge of your body, your actions, your mind as well. After all women have been subjugated by the Patriarchal order for centuries. Women, even today are treated less than equal, the male still given cultural superiority. But, of course, W/we say nothing about this. Why should W/we? The arrangement works well for the male, why rock the boat now? and of course, why would you submit to a woman, when she has done all the submitting so far, right? Well, just as women are expected to submit, just as women do submit because they have no choice, and just as it is possible for a world to function on the basis of a Master/servant arrangement, then there is no need to be shocked at the submission of a man to a Woman. What joy to do so!

My slaveheart is ironically freed when i bend and serve my Mistress. In my submission to Her, i find the clearest taste of my essence, my essential core which W/we all call O/our Self and Identity.

To Mistress Amanda, my body and my heart this boy gives to You.

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