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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The tyranny of Loyalty

Last night, in bed, my wife and I spoke about the future, about the happenings during the day, and we kissed. She is a good kisser, and very sensual person, but my loyalty to Mistress Amanda put me in a difficult position. Needless to say, I fought hard to keep my desires in check, concentrating on keeping my erection in check. Of course, Mistress had not disallowed my having erections, but I knew that she had also disallowed all contact, sexual contact with my wife. The kissing went on for some time, a lovely experience to say the least, but in this particular instance, it was the longest minutes of my life. I did not manage to keep my erection at a manageable level, and became rock hard, but luckily for me, the excuse I had given earlier in the day about a groin strain worked to keep her at bay. As much as I am bound by Mistress’ instructions, I cannot help feel a tinge of disloyalty. However, my submission to Mistress is pure and total, and I cannot break that responsibility I have vowed to uphold.
The morning was no easier. My wife enjoys morning sex, and this morning wasted no time in manhandling my cock and balls, I woke up to her massaging my balls, and a devilishly smiling pair of eyes. I laughed and told her it was not a good idea, and that I was not up for it this morning, which understandably upset her. She asked me if I was deliberately toying with her, denying her, and I took this as an opportunity to go along with the deception. I smiled and said no, and told her I had a busy day ahead of me. She sighed rolled over and resigned herself to getting ready. I have so far managed to avoid the knotty problem of my wife’s own sexual desires, but I worry – how much longer can I hold out, and what excuse will I give her next? Will Mistress Amanda persist in this, and will she be disappointed in me if I fail? I shudder to think.
The day began therefore, on a rather ambiguous footing, me feeling guilty at the thought of possibly upsetting my wife, and the thrill and satisfaction of having fulfilled for another day Mistress’ wishes which, each time I think about it, drives me into an arousal that ends with an erection, about which I can do nothing about, since part of her instructions is that I am not allowed to ouch or play with myself in any way.

But an email I received from Miss Amanda somewhat alleviated these stresses and worries, the contents of which I should not reveal, since She would not approve of this.

In any case, my submission to Miss continues, and I am determined to prove my loyalty and worthiness to Her

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